30 Days Bikram Yoga Challenges are personal challenges
We offer you the opportunity to face such a challenge twice a year.
«Give me 30 days – I will change your body.
Give me 60 days – I will change your life»
Quote by Bikram Choudhury
Challenge Conditions
I commit to practicing Bikram Yoga for 30 days in a row.
I complete my challenge together with other yogis within the specified time frames in spring or fall.
If I am unable to practice Bikram Yoga on one day due to extraordinary circumstances, I can make up for this one day with a double lesson within the 30 days.
If I follow the rules above, I will receive a certificate at the end of the challenge.
If I break a rule, I have no right to the certificate.
If I am unable to take part due to illness or accident, the challenge is considered canceled.
I will be as responsible as possible towards myself throughout the entire time.
I will try to eat healthily and, above all, to consume enough vital substances (minerals and vitamins).
I am aware that a Bikram Yoga challenge can change a lot on all levels.
If I have any problems, I will responsibly seek appropriate help.